Medical Coding ICD-10 & ICD-9-CM /2007
  ส่วนประกอบ ICD-10 เล่ม 1

หนังสือ ICD-10 เล่มที่ 1  ประกอบด้วย  4 ส่วน คือ

1.  บัญชีรายชื่อรหัส 3 ตัวอักษร (List of 3-character categories)   เช่น

              This chapter contains the following blocks:

                  A00-A09 Intestinal infectious diseases

                  A15-A19 Tuberculosis

                  A20-A28 Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases

                  A30-A49 Other bacterial diseases

                  A50-A64 Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission

                  A65-A69 Other spirochaetal diseases


            2.  ตารางจัดกลุ่มรหัสโรค 4 หลัก (Tubular list of inclusions and
                 4-character subcategories)  เช่น

              Nutritional anaemias


              D50 Iron deficiency anaemia

                         Includes: anaemia:

                                       · asiderotic

                                       · hypochromic

              D50.0 Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)

                            Posthaemorrhagic anaemia (chronic)

                           Excludes: acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia ( D62 )

                           congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss ( P61.3 )

              D50.1 Sideropenic dysphagia

                             Kelly-Paterson syndrome

                             Plummer-Vinson syndrome

              D50.8 Other iron deficiency anaemias

              D50.9 Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified

3.  รูปร่างของก้อนเนื้องอก (Morphology of neoplasm) และรหัสระบบชื่อ
(Codes nomenclature for morphology
                  of neoplasm)  เช่น

                             The morphology code numbers consist of five digits; the first
                  four identify the histological type of the neoplasm and the fifth, following
                  a slash or solidus, indicates its behaviour. The one-digit behaviour code
                  is as follows:

              /0 Benign

              /1 Uncertain whether benign or malignant

                      Borderline malignancy (Except cystadenomas of ovary in
, which are considered to be malignant.)

                      Low malignant potential (Except cystadenomas of ovary in
, which are considered to be malignant.)

              /2 Carcinoma in-situ



              /3 Malignant, primary site

              /6 Malignant, metastatic site

                      Malignant, secondary site

              /9 Malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic site


              M980-M994 Leukaemias

              M980 Leukaemias NOS

                  M9800/3 Leukaemia NOS (C95.9)

                  M9801/3 Acute leukaemia NOS (C95.0)

                  M9802/3 Subacute leukaemia NOS (C95.2)

                  M9803/3 Chronic leukaemia NOS (C95.1)

                  M9804/3 Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS (C95.7)


              4. ตารางพิเศษสำหรับการป่วยและตาย (Special tabulation lists for
                  mortality and morbidity)
              Mortality tabulation list 1

              General mortality

                  Condensed list

              1-001 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases A00–B99

                  1-002 Cholera A00

                  1-003 Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin A09

                  1-004 Other intestinal infectious diseases A01–A08

                  1-005 Respiratory tuberculosis A15–A16




  Medical Coding  
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